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Bit of a boring one, sory - but when did pebble dashing first appear on houses and was it once regarded as a very fashionbale and exclusive feature?
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What was the name of the character played by Simon Brint in his and Rowland Rivron's spoof cabaret act Raw Sex? Also, is he the male penguin in the switch maestro add?
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is Britain's weak, immature, two-dimensional answer to Robert Altman's wonderful 1993 film 'Short Cuts'. Discuss.
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that can swim faster than a shark?
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What are the best foods to eat and the best to avoid if you suffer from low blood sugar. And yes I have already been to the doctor, so need need to tell me go.
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What is the title music for Louis Theroux's series?
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How do I know if I have accidently remove the AR coating on my glasses? I recently used a glass cleaner not intended for use with spectacles and I am worried I have ruined them

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