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What was the 80s song by Huey Lewis that starts with the words, 'I met a fan dancer down in south Birmingham, she was running from a fat man' ?
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There are some strange names for places around Aberdeen such as Fattahead, South Flobbets, Lost, Morphie, OldWhat, and Yonder Bognie. There must be other areas of the UK with similar strange names....
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Many animals use their Jacobs Organ to recognise and greet each other. What exactly is this organ, and do we humans have one as well ?
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Place names are rarely unique, so how many Jacobstown places are there in the world ? I can find 2, one in New Jersey and one in Finland. Any other offers so that I can compile a world wide list ?
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For the 1st time I've had a knockback from AB for using a profanity. I had included the word cr@p in an answer in the context of nonsense or rubbish. According to my dictionary this is an acceptable...
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I was invited to a party which I was informed was Jacobs Joy style. This apparently means that everyone is to bring some food. Never heard the expression before. Where does it originate and what has...
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A wonderful dish I've enjoyed in the USA. Can anyone give me a recipe please.
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I'm trying to locate a source of supply for this beautiful plant but can't find it in the northwest. Anyone got any ideas or even know if it's suitable for north of England gardens.
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Has anyone seen this Vietnam war movie ? Was Jacob insane or was he suffering from the effects of drugs administered by the US Army ?
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Jacobs Creek wines claim to be the most popular Australian wine in Australia and the rest of the world. Is this justified by taste, price or just good marketing ?
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Are these spotty and horny sheep found anywhere in the UK ?
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When you log on (register) to Answerbank there is a reminder about logging out. It says **for your own security don't forget to log out when you have finished**. What are the implications of logging...
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I just love raw mushrooms of all varieties and eat some most days. I'll sprinkle them with lemon or vinegar; salt and soured cream; or dip them in garlic mayo. A colleague suggests that these are not...
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What are the contestants wearing on their wrists ?
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I have enjoyed wonderful sea cabbage dishes in Eastern Europe, but can't find it in the supermarkets here. Does anyone know where I might find some ?

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