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Which band had members called Ringo, Frog, Charley,JT and Sniffer?
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I've tried a few web sites but can't find this song with lyrics - "I'm going solo, not so low to the ground" and a chorus that includes "put your hands together".  These lyrics may not be exact...
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Can anyone identify a gemstone for which the clue is "A London Water"?
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I have downloaded Soundforge7 on a computer that operates on Windows98 (not enough space to run it though).  I now want to install it on a computer that I use for music and photo processing...
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Does anyone know if there is an age limit for Children being left on their own during the working day? My Ex-wife occasionly works during the school holidays and leaves my 13(nearly 14) year old in...
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we've just been playing a music quiz and we are racking our brains as to who sings the song with the opening lyrics, "we are young, we are free, keep our teeth nice and clean", thanks in advance.
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What would be your favourite piece  - must have in the backpack, piece of kit for travel to Rio, Inca Trail, New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.  (Camera excluded)?
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Absence from work or duty without permission (6,5) F?A?C? L?A?E People regarded as having sinister influence, especially in financial affairs (6) ?n?m?s
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Does anyone know a good pneumonic to remember the order that the planets are in distance from the Sun ???
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Which UK newspaper used the slogan "It is. Are you?"
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Hi. What's that thing for that they hold in front of a person before they take a looks like a little mobile phone but its not...anyone know what it is?
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First of all I am a cyclist and I was wondering if cars have to stop for me on zebra crossings 1) if I was on my bike or 2) if I had dismounted And also should I be on cycling on...
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In the french navy this rank is known as aspirant; in the german navy as fahnrich; and in the italian and spanish navies as guardiamarina. What is the equivalent rank in the Royal Navy?
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"pad unlined inside" (again one word but number of letters n/k)
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The answers are mainly British birds though some well known foreign ones were included....... "thousands perished in L of R they say!"  (one word but number of letters n/k)    
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29 MS in a CH was given as a maximum score in a cribbage hand.  How??
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Had 50 to do and stuck on one. They have all been straight forward really and mostly classics eg Petite ladies Little women Clock The time machine stuck on this Abel - the answer is 3 words (3 5 3)
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stuck on a few more, 4F and 1 TOEH OMU the B, DF,OM   (shakespeare quote i think) ATS is a TH   thanks
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Which word can be pluralised by adding the letter c?
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worried east has an honour e_t_n

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