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A colour is simply a wavelength of light that reacts with a certain group of cells in the eye when it hits them to send a signal to the brain to tell you what you are seeing. From birth we learn that...
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I was under two assumptions here. Firstly that mobile phones operate on weak microwave signals, hence the recent worry about kids frying their brains through excessive use and secondly, that microwave...
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Bob A Job
I posed this question a while back on answerbank, but got bombarded by religous nuts going on about god (pehaps because at the time there was not a science topics).   Have we stopped evolving? We...
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If space is infinite does this not mean that the chances of us being here is infinitesimally small and therefore we do not exist ?.
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In A Pickle
Does anyone lese think it odd/stupid,that it took the probe 7 years to reach Titan;and then it's camera battery ran our after 2 hours!!!?? Seems a bit ineffecient to me?
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Are there any objects at the gravitationally stable "Lagrange Points", either man-made or natural?
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has light got mass?   jim
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Has anybody ever made a serious attempt to buid a time machine?
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What is or was the probe`s life expectancy?  Is it still active or was it destroyed soon after landing?
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If the Earth had 2 moons what effect would it have on Earth?
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What is the highest temperature any material can withstand?
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What would happen if oxygen was added to a nuclear reaction or fussion process such as the sun ?
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What exactly is a paradox? Can you give me some examples please?
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Is it true the recent tsunami changed the axis of theEarth very slightly
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Joel Avila
Is Telekinesis (moving objects with your mind instead of physical touch) real? If so, can you learn it or is it a gift? Does anybody know anyone who has it? Does the power of it vary? Sorry...
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When i look at some thing bright-ish like the sky, why can i see little transparent lines that seem to be on the suface of my eye (assuming there not aliens). They are not visible normally.
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what did they find on titon when that probe landed any aliens?

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