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Richard and Judy were absent from their show yesterday, and it was unfortunately taken over by Vanessa Feltz, but I was wondering whether anyone knew what had happened to them?
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I have a right of way (access to bins/garages for myselfself and one neighbour) running through the middle of my garden and wonder if there would be any problem in moving it further towards the rear?...
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What is the local term in your area for the annoying kids who hang around outside McDonalds, wearing massive hoop earrings, Kappa tracksuits and Reebok Classic trainers? In mine, they are pikeys, or...
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what is the funniest quote/saying that you have ever heard?
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I am forever hearing about people paying unbelievably small amounts for their holidays! Are there sites that specialise in cheap holidays?
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My friend once cooked me a meal, and it was SO simple. He heated some cream, added some peppers, and served it with pasta. But the thing is, I have no idea what cream he used, because I never use...
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Bit of a legal question this one. If married person has a loan and he dies does the wife become liable for it. Also if in a will someone leaves money to someone, but when they die there is now money,...
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Which 5 teams in the top 4 english leagues (Premiership to Div 3) have the same letter at both the start and end of their full name?
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Is a Japanese Maple easy to look after?
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What is the best way to get the smell of onions out of your fingers? Soap doesnt really do that much. Any special tips?
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has anyone ever heard a song containing the lyrics ' she has`nt got a bone through her nose ' or another song , possibly entitled ' Valerie ' , with the lyrics ' playing to the gallery ' within it. I...
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How did Jesus finance his ministry? There was Jesus, 12 disciples, Mary Magdalene, plus sundry hangers-on, all with no obvious income for 3 years. How did they support themselves? There was no social...
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How do I remove Artex with a tyre pressure gauge whilst wingwalking?
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Which 1980s England international has won league championships in three different countries?
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Who was the worst England goalkeeper of the past 30 years?
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anyone know the best way to balance radiators in the home also at which end of the radiator does a thermo valve go ?
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In the late 70s there was a choccie bar called a 'Texan Bar', nougaty with choc covering - don't suppose it's still around but put me out my misery and tell me someone else remembers it!!!
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I?m looking for information about security resp. belay technique in rock climbing that can be used by one single person climbing.
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I used to like Nescaf? coffee well enough. Nowadays I think it tastes pukey and can barely drink it. [ prefer Carte Noir]. Do you think Nescaf? have downgraded their product or is it just me?
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What is the easyest, cheapest and quickest way of getting drunk (without drinking meths or antifreeze)

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