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Last one... 20 down Wager involving revolutionary jazz musician _E_H_T
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done half -now need push please 9a chest getting tender after onset of cold 6 C????? 10a drink in nightspots a party knocked back 4,4 ?L??/?O?? 17d forceful tough guys kept in check 8 ?E?E?E??...
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Any suggestions for: 19 Down (Serious Opera &c). I have A*S***E 23 across (Form quite unpredictable &c). I have E*I***T* Lastly the 4 letter word completing 3 down, for which I have RESTORATION ****...
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13a. Star part (not the lead) (5) A?T?R I believe this is ACTOR, but for some reason keep doubting the solution. Confirmations or alternatives with explanations gratefully received!
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Does anybody know the answer to 1a - English bank s-d- 17a Monsters in Ireland? thats right. e-i-y-s.

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