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stuck on 8 down Good book eclipses the rest, but not altogether E?t?e?
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26a Owls' song for a new political expert(15) - A - - - - - E - - - R - - -
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central youngster has a note ?o?a?
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4 down Ab initio (4,3,4,2)
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Treacle Toes
17a) Musical Minimum? 28a) Failure to exercise a right by nurse on shift Can anybody help please?
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subordinate person of lower rank 6 ?u?i?r Thank you in advance
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9d) internet advert 5 ?o? up 73d) proceeds from crimw 3,6,5.
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What is an anagram of 'Tin Town Heroes' ? Answer is three words 3, 3, 7. and should have a number in there somewhere.
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Can anyone help on the following? Answers include numbers. 1. Riflemen 3, 5, 10. 2. Three Pence 4, 1, 8. 3. Montgomery's soldiery 6, 4. 4. Now past universal voyage 3, 8, 3, 3, 1, 5, 7. 5. Adam's...
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10a arm broken by one leader of asian city (8) -m-i-s-r 17d fortification to decorate again but with changes (7) -e-o-b-
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Off over to my friends for some decent grub and a whole lot of wine. I am going to pick up some Resolve and some carbs on the way there because of the hangover we are undoubtedly going to have...
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that thing,s (3) e-s
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Can anyone help me with a very hard crossword (for me it is) in our local newsaper 4A - Smart Alec - in the Mafia perhaps (4,3) (- I - -/ - - -) 9A - Underlying theme of a work designed to enlighten...
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last 2 honest! 3dn formally admit we got in nerve gas (5,2) 9dn shifty lawyer reminded her of the fan in the theatre (4,10)
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Shipwrecked catamaran, RN left in desert, (7), a?a???a Going up and down in novel about middle-class people, (3,4), a?? ?a?a
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jus 2 more to go..then my head can relax for awhile :D 4a tree-dwelling nocturnal omnivore (7) - - A - C - T 4d region in eastern france (6) - - A -N -
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15d On the ball (5,2,1,6) S????A?A?E???? 119a Unselfish (8) ?E?L?O?S 9d Internet advert (3-2) ?O??? Thanks
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Urgent recall of the product launched earlier this morning. It has been brought to my attention that yours truly has gone off the rails and that one of the words listed in incorrect. Just to make...
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24a - Have relevance to wild animal appearing. (4,2) B - O R / - N. Thanks in advance
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Three please....patience exhausted!! 1. precision guided munition manoeuvred by laser or radio 5,4 2. Gelatinous complex compound found in ripe fruits and vegetables 6,4 3. Polar explorer icebound...

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