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I have a small area of ground formally used by builders to wash out their buckets and dump waste, I have dug it over removing visable rubbish and would now like to plant it up. Ideally I'd like a few...
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I like to buy a Good set of pans, stainless steel has anyone bought these .html are they any good or would you recommend others, have ?100 to spend...
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I'd like to give my 60 yr old aunt a mock bus pass but can not find an example of one, any suggestions? going 2 c her 2morrow would like to do something for her 60th!
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I'd like to give my 60 yr old aunt a mock bus pass but can not find an example of one, any suggestions? not right topic for Q but I thought that one of you might be able to help me; going to visit...
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I'd like to give my 60 yr old aunt a mock bus pass but can not find an example of one, any suggestions?
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I'd like to give my 60 yr old anut a mock bus pass but can not find an example of one, any suggestions?
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Indistructable A??. A??.. Natural P??. A??. Forever girl O?? T?.. T?.. Wonderful tonight D???. I wanna be the only one E???. letters indicate singer or group Many thx
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Letters of names or group Indistructable A??. A??.. Natural P??. A??. Forever girl O?? T?.. T?.. Wonderful tonight D???. I wanna be the only one E???. Very many thanks
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38. Public......................Cafe 9 letters 41. Buck.......................Video 5 letters - naked? 7. bed.......................Lighting 5 letters very many thanks C.
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14 Our man in Havana perhaps 19 An American drink with Kay - could this be Kia? 21 Full house 24 Sell this car back in a slang manner 34 Perfume for Sadie at Christmas 41 The parrot recites naughty...

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