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can't remember what it was called but its from my ealry childhood so early 90's atleast. set in a post apocolyptic future in a desert like mad max. bad guy has a weird holograph machine. theres a bit...
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I've got a stupid bet with my best friend involving the dicovery of Cefaclor, anyone know how it was discovered
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does anyone know about this theory by the goths about the world ending on this thursday?
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does anyone know of a taxonomic identification tree for marine shells, got to identify 20 and really stuck, any help would be wholly appreciated. tar
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anybody know of any good websites wher i can get my hands on some mass spec, NMR, ir spec etc readings for drugs, eg cefaclor? tar
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what websites can provide me with NMR, mass spec and ir/uv spec chromatograms, referably for Cefaclor

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