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Don't know if anyone can help me here, but I'm looking for something I read a long time ago. It's set in America and is about a young girl who goes to work in a mill somewhere close to the Potomac....
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I would like to read the english translation of Les Jeux Sont Faits, either online, downloaded or the book. However the book is out of print and I can only find it for $179 from the US. Does anyone...
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Nacnud Wod
19d Delivered port on time -E-L- Last one but cant seem to get it
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I need help with a project my son has for school, need to work out the book titles and authors from the initials, they are all modern and classic childrens books. GT BY JS CW BY NB KT NY MI TWOWC BY...
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marie louise
Greek Island (6 letters) A--a-i. last clue needed, have searched and searched and feel an idiot. Any help appreciated
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12d Worker for Pitt the Younger overheard (5) M - N - R miner or minor? I could argue it both ways but think I prefer miner. Anyone any thoughts please?
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I remeber reading a poem about parenthood. It was very short, only several lines, and was about sacrifices a mother makes for her children. It includes a line 'this is my life, pass it on'. I'm fairly...
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Tessa Lacey
An essay by Matthew Arnold says that :- "it used to be said that lions do not paint, and poor men do not write". Can anyone tell me where this comes from please?
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the old mill
direction for a moderately slow tempo. [a?dont?] 4d wooden plug forming an air channel at the mouth of wind instruments eg recorder. [f??p??] 10d Any combination of notes sounded simultaneously-not...
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offensively, discourteous, ungentlemanly c??d??h
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11a A handful of instructions for the epic film? (two words) 12a How to get cheater, maybe, as a temporary member of school staff (two words)
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Can someone please help I recently read a review of a book in one of the saturday papers that began 'if you liked the time travellers wife you will love this'. The book is about a doctor who has...

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