My daughter, age 14, is into Manga, Anime etc. She has been teaching herself Japanese online and we are all impressed with how well she is doing. I would like to buy her a book and/or DVD to help her...
For what will become obvious reasons, I can't give too much information, but my daughter was sexually assaulted a couple of months ago. She knew the boy from school, he was arrested and released on...
They can be great if you love the song, annoying if you can't remember the song title or artist but a complete pain if it's the lyrics of a song you can't stand. I couldn't sleep at all last night. I...
Hello everyone. Until six weeks ago, I had been taking 40mg of Citalopram per day for some years but felt they weren't working any more. I am 48 but have now gone through the menopause so my Doctor...
My daughter used to play the guitar in Lower School and became quite good at it, but, more importantly, enjoyed it. Due to family circumstances, she stopped playing for four years but has been talking...