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Bob A Job

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Bob A Job
a test for people living outside the UK, can you connect to recently ive been unable to connect and redirects me to and i get spanish results... Is anyone else...
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can someone please help, i'm going to spain in july and scared to death of waking up beside a cockroach (again), can anyone give me any tips on keeping the roaches at bay, or at least off my bed,...
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would i weigh more after having a bath
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is a gluten/wheat/milk/lactose free diet beneficial in cases of autism. I have a 5 yr old son who is tube fed and eats very little orally. He loves milky products but i feel they are detrimental to...
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My son has a slimline PS2 for a while it has not worked properly. I have managed to get it to accept a few games but the ones it will only play are the blue ones. Also it is making some very weird...
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On my Wii I tried to connect it to my netgear WG111T adapter. I typed in all the right things but it wouldn't connect. any Idea why this is? Thanks
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Could stars be living entities? Maybe not life as we know it, but then, what do we mean by life anyway? Sure, the sun is a ball of burning gas, but by the same token you and I are just a lump of...
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What do you think in your heart of hearts has happened or is happening to Madeline McCann. It is her fourth birthday today and I keep thinking about her and her parents. I have a little boy of 3 and I...
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I have noticed over recent months that most newspapers are using the letters pc (eg: 16pc of the population bla bla bla) instead of the internationally recognised % symbol. Would anyone be able to...
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Hi all! Well, I have a date tonight (yay!), and he's coming to my place, which means I have to cook.....Gah!!! Problem is, he's a chef....and I'm no Delia! lol Any idea what I could do that is simple,...
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Doc Spock
Do you believe, I do otherwise why am I here?
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I'm currently in a flat at uni and share a kitchen. Someone (I know who) is stealing everyone's food, and doesn't care. As such, I want to get revenge. We've tried reporting him and asking him nicely...
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I am going to see Foo Frighers in the summer but dont know a lot of their songs. I dont have any their albums. I would like to get one or two albums of them but which one's should i get ?
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when we moved into our rented house we were told by the landlord that he would move all his furniture and electric appliances out of the garage within one month.Five years later we now need the space...
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Would you leave a three years old child alone in a holiday apartment while you went to a nearby restaurant?
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hi, when i enter my username and password to log into my you tube account nothing happens. It does not decline my attempt, but just refreshes the page and i am still not logged in ! very frustrating ....
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Hi I'm not sure if this happens to anyone else but as I go to bed and i'm half asleep I start to have the beginnings of a dream? But if I then shift my body position say from lying on my left side to...
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Please dose anyone have the activation code for AutoCAD 2007?
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I upgraded my Dell PC from XP to Vista basic a couple of weeks ago and have had nothing but hassle since. When I turn it on, half the time the monitor doesn't load and I have to restart the whole...
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Bob A Job
My wife has always had bad circulation and as time moves on her veins on her laegs are getting worse and worse. they are now bulging and dark blue coloured. They are really affecting her self esteem...

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