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how many did you have, did you pass first time?
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i want some feelgood songs on my ipod, name me your faves :D
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There's a new girl singer called Catherine someone her cd is advertised on ITV, anyone know her name as I'd like to buy the CD
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on the programme dumped tonight when jermaine the black footballer was arguing, he said the phrase ' blood klart'?? just what does this mean, is it patois?
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I find it really believable that the "model" (for shrapnel) was able to build a sauna when she had never made anything before. That bloke pretending he had made a solar powered shower. How stupid do...
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hi all, getting straight to the point, my jack russell is allergic to grass, as soon as he touches it he comes out in a bright red rash on the parts of his body that he has touched it with, we use...

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