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I need to wake up slowly in the morning. I also HATE being tickled. So if I am woken up by being tickled, this is going to make me feel murderous. FOR AGES. I know its only fun, but it really does...
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Do you tip or provide gifts at Christmas for various services? eg, now I live in rural utopia (ie the back end of beyond) I've got to know my regular postman really well. We always have a chat, and he...
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I'm making the Christmas puds, but just realised I dont have a steamer (it got left behind). No pressure cooker either. My recipe says steam for about eleventy billion hours. Will it be OK if I stand...
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Yes, I know its only November, but if I have half a chance of being ready on time this year, I have to start thinking about it now. Christmas Day my brother and his gf are entertaining us all to...
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Just taken delivery of one of these - mainly cos I have such a terrible signal out here in the sticks. Does anyone have one? How would you suggest I get best use out of it? I'm just downloading the...
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I want to send the OH a birthday card. The pic I am planning of using is him in his favourite bar (the Monkey Beach Bar) drinking his favourite cocktail (Ride the Monkey). Any ideas for a caption?...
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Ouch!!! For the last 2 years or so, I've really suffered with a bunion on my right foot. Probably years of wearing stupidly ridiculous (but very lovely) shoes. Just bought one of those splints. No...
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This is a particularly stupid question, I appreciate that. But how do I know when my cesspit (or septic tank whatever you call it) is full? The loo has had "trouble" emptying after a flush for the...
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I have an enormous conservatory(probably about 25ft x 17ft) and I like to work in there. But it is perishing cold (sun isnt getting on it until later in the day). Any recommendations for a portable...
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Well £167m up for grabs and I scooped a whopping £3.10. What's the most or biggest thing you have won?...
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Am cooking supper for a good friend's birthday on Friday. Menu so far is looking like Fillet steak au gratin with garlic and rosemary roasted spuds and pea and edamame bean salad followed by homemade...
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Well its been an eventful day. Spent a fortune in the hairdressers - forgot my brolly - look like a drowned rat. Roofers didnt turn up to finish the job - I lost my rag and got the OH to deal with...
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Inspired by Sunny Dave's "good business names", how about a daft signs thread? Here's a couple for starters - both seen on the back of vehicles. But dont limit yourself to vehicles. A veg delivery van...
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Well I do need cheering up. Discovered I have a rat infestation yesterday. Managed to despatch 15 babies but ASBO and I cant find mummy rat(s). Rat man is going to charge £80. I've promised ASBO...
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A recent post in B&S has provoked a little controversy as to who should respond and what with. The example is the OP asked what to expect from a prostate biopsy. He had 2 answers from personal...
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Just went to buy a bucket. It appears that even buying bucket comes with consequences when you are me. Anyway, picked up said bucket, saw massive spider in it. My kneejerk reaction was to scream and...
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Got a couple of dresses which don't work with any of the numerous bras I have. Looks like the choices are a) send them back or b) go braless. Difficulty is I have an "ample" front end. T*t tape was...
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Ed Recently, I've been troubled by those stupid "Win an Iphone" things. Since then, AB routinely shuts me out. I have to admit, I rarely log out and thus this could be a problem. This morning I was...
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Crikey I feel old writing that. I'm sticking this in CB because it is going to straddle two sections. I'm having a small reunion party on Sat night for a group of friends who used to knock about...
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Barmaid I found some of these quite amusing. Can we add to them?...

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