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9d City on the island of Honshu. (4 letters) I have -I-U and cannot find anything to fit.
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36 down Variety of Italian curd cheese I have A - C - T - - Have looked everywhere I can think of and can't find it so would be glad to have this last one explained please...
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Struggling with this last one. Number of copies made from photograph on course (5 and 3 ) I have -R-N- R-N I suppose the last three is run but can't get the rest
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My last one. 4 d 8 letters 'see one old troublemaker round about was lurking.' I have LOITERE- Cannot make out whether last letter is R or D and why
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Doing badly this week. 9ac One seeking information about brand new singer? -hardly (10) I have - - S - A - C - E - Also, 14d Fortuitous throw of dice sent back minister (10) I have - H - - - E - L - R...
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absolutely stuck on last one. 19d act of escaping. I have -e-a-a- . Maybe I have something wrong but I can't see what. If anyone can help I'd be grateful
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15d No one goes straight along this street(8) I have -r---e-t
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Going at a moderate one after another. I have On the __T Would be glad of help here. Two things in mind but neither quite makes sense
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1ac digital recording uploads, off and on, produced by actors I have - o c - s - ALSO, 20 Down arrested smuggling ring pirate initially deserted, being bent Any help appreciated...
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5d With hardening of heart, settle accounts - they're at the end of range (9) - - - - H - L - S and why?hy?...
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Still stuck on last one. 27d turkey wrapper in hamper. Considered fowl or foul but cannot convince myself. Any suggestions appreciated.
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Defeated by last two. Maybe I have something wrong. 19d (9letters) Note French city's occupation at a price. T - N - N - U . It looks wrong. Also 10ac ( 5 letters Veteran man fighting endlessly. O - D...
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18d Some fantasise mentally overturning unbeatable opponent. 7 letters. I have N-M---S also 24a Fur encloses relation 8 letters . I have S-A---I-...
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I bought a budgie on Friday (today being Monday) I have kept him in his cage since then . He has a had a few bursts of tweeting & some nice singing Saturday evening but on the whole has been very...
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1ac and 2dn Saturday's cryptic. If the answers to these are compassion and mobile, can someone explain why, please.
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further explanation 15d curses late unreliable cars touring Spain [9] I have E-E---T-R 22a one exhibiting uninspiring lot [6] S-O---...
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last one! 50 acr: Class of creatures representing around 80% of all the animal forms on earth I?S?C?S Thanks a lot
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15d I have U-R-O-I-G I suppose it might be uprooting but I can't see why

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