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Could you help with these please: Literary Assistant; AM*N*E*S** Computer processing bits; M*C*O**R*S (It's not microparts is it) Fish incubator; H**Y*E*Y Thanks
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I took a BSc degree as a mature student and due to illness and several stays in hospital I accepted a pass degree. Is it possible to take an MSc off the back of a pass degree? Thanks
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Who sang the song I could save the world if I had you? heard it again this morning and my memories gone (that's why I listen to Radio 2....) Cheers
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Due to ill health (I was a mature student and eventually lost my leg) I had to go an extra year with my degree. I accepted a pass degree in 2003 as I did not submit a good dissertation. Is it possible...
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I'm 54 years old and had to have a lower leg amputation in June 06, as a fully qualified (National and International) Transport Manager (with a BSC Transport Management degree) and ex lorry driver I...
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Could anyone tell me what these 3 answers are please, Massed plantings of blooms; D*I*TE SW Jordan coast; *A*A*AR Atmosphere probe; S*N*E Thanks.
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I am trying to get the total % of viewers S4C get compared to the Beeb, ITV and Five. Can anyone tell me how or who does these surveys and where I can get the results. Cheers
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I am doing these for my Mother in law (yet again and she never wins anything) Indian village square; K*I*AN. Satire Routine; D*S*R**T Thanks
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Can you construct and put a free website on the web. I know it's a bit of a cheek but I'm a recent amputee and cannot afford to do much as I'm on disability benefit. Thanks.
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I am a lower right leg amputee and I'm trying to plan a charity drive around the coast of the UK. I have been trying to get a manufacturer of motor dealer to provide a suitable vehicle and it's...
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Approximately how far is it by road around the UK (excluding Northern Ireland). Cheers
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She needs these answers Toiletries gift box; C*F*RET Critical; E*I*ENT Ancient Roman copper coins; A*S*S I think the letters are correct Thanks astondog
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Chinese womans outfit SA**U I think the letters are correct. Thank you
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Are there any websites that I can downdload 70s soul and reggae for free. I'm new to this so don't know what I may ley myself in for. Cheers
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I'm on a new computer and running Vista basic and would like to put a picture of my recently departed border collie on the screen so it's there whenever I switch on, can anyone help me (preferably...
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I have all the co-ordinates for question 1 and have put them in as 2231N and 8135W but I am being told I'm wrong, can anyone help please as I'm brain dead at the moment. Thank you
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She has these 2 left if antone can help please Parasitic creatures EPI**A Powered by current ELECT*I**C Thanks
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Helping Mother in law again she has this to find Festive mulled wine *A*S*IL if the letters are right. Cheers again
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Could anyone tell me if MS Vista is compatable for use with ION usb turntables so I can transfer my records to CD. Thank you.
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Excuse mefor being a bit thick but are there any stes that do free 70s usic downloads that I can do straight to my computer. Cheers

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