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just seen millions made on the sale of this jewellery of Edward and Mrs Simpson,presents from him to here ,but who paid for them the taxpayer? through the royal allowances?
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this question was in the S magazine on Sunday 31 oct 2010
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Happy birthday to me thanks
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Who in your opinion have/had the greatest singing voices ever? Mine are: Freddie Mercury Karen Carpenter Others I can't think of at the moment....
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My mum always had a bottle of this sticky brown liquid in the kitchen cupboard. Anne's post about Bisto made me remember it. I've heard stories that ladies in the wartime stained their legs with gravy...
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The Pope has now left the UK for his home in Rome! Supporters outweighed the protestors!
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I have just spent about 35 hours over the last several days doing a severe clean-up of my computer - not just deleting temporary files but thoroughly* uninstalling about 300 programs after running...
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After all the football, watching some episodes of Only Fools and Horses still worth watching and still make you laugh, Del and Raquels baby being born was brilliant! They don't make comedy shows like...
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I've never tried one and I've been told they are strong tasting. Any ideas how to use them up? I'm not that much of an egg fan.
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Six months ago I had a hip replacement, and I gave up smoking at the same time, now I'm almost 2stone heavier, Not sure what sort of exercise I can do with the hip, plus the other good leg seems to be...

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