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jack daniels
can anyone tell me which is better for you? corn oil olive oil sunflower oil vegetable oil Thanks all you AB members!
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hello just wondered what everyones thoughts were on cousins having a relationship??
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_./'\._ ?.??**??.?.??**??.... _./'\._ *?. .?* Merry Christmas *?. .?* /.?*?.\?..??**??.,.??**?? ....../.?*?.\
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Does anyone know a potent spell for vanquishing/ banishing demons...and powerful ones at that
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i like the idea of avatars in the new beta off ab, but can we have animated one's gifs as well etc plz
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according to the Pope. /article2977564.ece Yet another example of history being rewritten. I guess my question is, will there ever be a time when we are...
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Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day here in the U.S. Just wanted to say, "Thanks" to and for my new peeps here on AB. It is a lot of fun and has offered a lot of support and entertainment when I needed it....
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Hi, please can anyone give me some advice....I met my partner over two years ago, and are extremely happy. I moved him into my house over a year ago, and he is now in my business with me as joint...
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AB Asks
A number of women are actively choosing to be sterilised in order to save the planet. These women believe having children is a selfish act, only done to maintain a person's genetic line. One woman was...
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So who's got the best profile pic? I think beryllium is great, does my eyes in but excellent
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who does the chasing or do you like it to be 50:50?
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Wardy, can i just say that i for one was appalled at the abuse you suffered last night. I know you like to wind people up from time to time, and that a lot of people disagree with you - that's what...
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Shadow Man
Within fourty seconds of seeing Pomp and Circumstance and Land of Hope and Glory on the Proms I furiously have complained to the BBC. As a British person I am extra proud to be English. This evening...
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Hey ppl! i heard this on the radio the other night : "peanuts make ones penis bigger" Is that true?? was a bit of a shock!!
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but if you was the ED and in charge for just 1 day what changes would you do??
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People on here are always asking where other AB users are, well has anyone heard from dot.hawkes recently.
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so who do you all have respect for on here I the utmost respect for ummm and doc spock and of cors redhead the crazy little ol randy trout and mrknowall even thogh he comes from the tec side of course...
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doctor spock
JTL says you are scum. And they call me nasty.
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at 52 sick fed of trying to pay the bills, cant afford anything not even a holiday, how many hours to i have to work to have some sort of lifestyle, so given up now, i want to get out the rut and...
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Like it seems many others I have changed my login on AB to be able to post a question. I first came to this site as I wanted a question answered - which I thought what the site was for? Now it seems...

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