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what am i supposed to do? please help.

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puzzledmind8 | 01:22 Tue 10th Jun 2008 | Relationships & Dating
13 Answers
well ive been with my boyfriend for a while now and our families have grown close but i found out that he says im a useless girlfriend behind my back and hes cheated on me but i said i forgave him. i try to do my best to please him and a lot of people say he treats me bad. i think i love my boyfriend but i think i found someone with everything i could ask for but i cant break up with my boyfriend because our families are so close and we've planned to have a future together but its just a fantasy really. this other guy that i know treats me better than anyone and i think i would be happier and better off with him but i really dont know what to do? help please.


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You've just answered yourself hun. Tell your bf you can't see a future for you as a couple, and break it off. Your families'll deal with it in time, and your own'll rally round once they see how much happier you are.
A guy who cheats on you and speaks behind your back is no decent partner material.
The happiness to you is more important than to his and your families, its your life not theirs.

You are the one that has had to put up with his two timing etc, not them but, how well do you know other Guy and how long?

As snow as said, you have answered your own Q.
So if you are not happy now, its unlikely you will be happy in the future with this Guy.
Rtaxron gets one of my favourite biscuits for that!
I hope they got choccy chips in snow? ; - )
No, but I'll find you some!
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this is what ive been considering. this guy is a very a good friend of mine and he knows my boyfriend and ive known him for the same amount of time as i have known my boyfriend.
its just i love my boyfriends family and i have really had some of the best times with my family and we both want to go to the same college and career. i mean in a way hes perfect and deep down inside i would like to stay with him but this other guy is truly amazing. im new to this and i cant really explain myself that well. thanks for advice though :) its very much appreciated!
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i meant ive had some of the best experiences with my boyfriend not my famiy. my mistake.
You sound as though you're still young, puzzledmind - so maybe it's not worth getting tied down to ANYONE yet., until you've had more experience and seen the world a bit more.
You say that your bf's perfect in a way - but I'm sorry hun, he sounds far from it. Being close to his family is always a good thing, but not if the reason you're staying with him's simply because you don't want to upset everyone. Your life's your own, and there are plenty of guys out there who wouldn't cheat on you or call you names. Think more of yourself - and you'll get it. x
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thank you :)

you've made a lot of sense and it helps.

Well i hope things go very well for you hun. x
well, it sounds like you should tell lhim how you feel and if your family gets upset about it. Thats there problem ,hun. it's yur life you control it.
Life is not a dress rehearsal. Live your life not someone elses expectations. Your families are quite free to remain friends. That is their business.

If you only "think" you love your bf you don't. Moreover he does not deserve your love.

Don't put too much anticipation in the other guy. This is not a case of one or the other. This is about YOU.

Organise your departure ASAP.
look hun relationships don't work unless you are BOTH 100 percent honest with each other. If you don't see a future with him then thats that. Maybe call him over and discuss it with him before you break u with him (if u still want to be with him which I dont think you do.) If you do break up with him I hope this other guy is great for you because you sound like a lovely person x All the best hun x

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what am i supposed to do? please help.

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