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CRYPTIC (I think)

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poorclare | 21:04 Thu 13th Apr 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers

Can someone help with these 2

Cede can turn into a flow of music (7 letters) c??ee?e

An expert in recording statistics (7 letters) a???d?y

Thank you



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No best answer has yet been selected by poorclare. Once a best answer has been selected, it will be shown here.

For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ. anagram of 'cede can', so check your second 'e' for accuracy.
Statistician look like ACTUARY - another one to check previous answers on
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Thank you folk. if cadence is correct then I am lost as the E was an Africian antelope which now would start with N-a-a and that is assuming Actuary is right. Both the words you have given me looks right. I have looked up all the antilopes but can find none n?a?a Thank you, I'm goingto be to sleep on this one

african antelope


� noun (pl. same) a southern African antelope with a conspicuous crest on the neck and back and lyre-shaped horns.

Question Author

Thank you Jan 1956. I had just got it, my eyes are sore going through the dictionaries, I don't want to look at another one for a month of Sundays

Thank you to all

well at least you will remember that one! I find the Nyala crops up in crosswords on a regular basis so it jumed out at me.

happy Easter Jan

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Do you know the answer?

CRYPTIC (I think)

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