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Smelly Armpits

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annieigma | 20:26 Fri 04th Jul 2014 | Health & Fitness
11 Answers
Strange problem O.H has got. He used a deoderant spray on his under arms, a few days later all the skin went and two big sores appeared, red and pussie looking. it smelt like old cheese, and it took a month of washing 4 or 5 times a day to clear the problem. The sores have gone, but Now,the smell is there all the time, no matter how many times He washes under the arms can't use deoderant or the skin will go bad again, we suspect. Just to give a rundown on the man: 68, still working. slightly overweight. has what we think is artheritus ( excuse the spelling) barely able to move neck left to right because of severe pain, pain in shoulder and arm muscle, ( can't lift anything without flinching) but feels good.
tablets taken everyday: statins. bendofluoridemehtaside. cloprigel. amias retard.
diprydimole. ( He had a T I A four years ago, hence all the tablets)
Any ideas please?
thanks, Annie.


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That sounds like a fungal infection has entered through the sores. Normally I'd suggest trying a standard (1% Clotrimazole) anti-fungal cream but being over 60 years of age is a contra-indication for its use in some circumstances.

Ultimately, what it comes down to is the same piece of advice that applies to the vast majority of questions in this section: See a doctor!
Question Author
Thanks buenchico,
See a doctor is probably the correct answer!! just thought I'd try on here first.
Sounds nasty - go to the Doctors asap!
Oh! dear...a very difficult problem and by the way, thank you for giving a full history.

Two problems:
Firstly what is known as hyperhydrosis(sweaty armpits) and secondly the painful connection between the two.

It was clear that he reacted badly to the deodorant causing what amounted to "burns" to the skin of his armpits which has now cleared but leaving his armpits smelly and sweaty (hyperhydrosis)
A difficult problem, but do not use deodorants again and use antibacterial soaps. After showering dry the armpits well and apply baking powder twice daily to the armpits.

His shoulder is a different matter and may be a frozen shoulder, arthritic or statins may be the cuplprit..........see you GP.

Although you haven't mentioned it, as well as being overweight and having arterial problems, one wonders if he has also developed diabetes?

This is not going to be an easy problem for your GP so don't expect....miracles.
Question Author
Thank you sqad,
A very full answer. Doctor it will be.
Doctor Doctor Doctor...
As soon as possible before situation gets worse...
Deodorant can sometimes block the pores and cause infection.
Could also be an ingrowing hair...that can be painful.
Question Author
Thank you Sqad,
Had the most entertaining few minutes of my life. O.H used the simple soap stuff, then doused his underarms with baking powder, and he was off!! like a piglet just had his testicles removed. screaming and shouting, splashing water all over the place, and threats you don't want to hear, apparrantly it burnt a bit, oh dear!!. But, it worked, he stopped using the other soaps, used the simple soap, and smell gone, healing very well, nearly all healed up. doctors appointment is thursday, so frozen shoulder now the issue. thank you very much.
I think Sqad meant "baking soda" ie sodium bicarbonate and NOT "baking powder"...which is the bicarbonate mixed with something acidic (tartaric acid) and starch. I may be wrong here...but perhaps that's why the "discomfort"?
...of course, Sqad could have meant baking powder all along. In which case, my apologies to him! gain.

Thanks for the update.

gingejbee.......either or.

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