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whats the name of that song?

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dodamaksoud | 14:05 Sat 11th Feb 2006 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
my dad wants me to identify a song, he describes it as 70's to 80's song he says it came on top of the pops and the music video was of a band with their heads covered and the man at the beginning of the video says, "all aboard, all aboard". Any ideas please help. thx.


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Hi there, in 1991 there was a song by the KLF called 'Last Train To Trancentral' which opened with the line 'All aboard, all aboard, a-woah-ho'... I can't remember how the video goes, but having their heads covered sounds like the sort of thing The KLF would have done, and it definitely would have been on TOTP's. Hope it's some help.
makes me think of animal kwackers - though their heads were covered with masks
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thanks you very much to both of you especially novanglus that was the song i wanted

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whats the name of that song?

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