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10th Anniversary

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JonRB | 15:04 Thu 16th Aug 2007 | Phrases & Sayings
9 Answers
Can anyone tell me what a 10th Anniversary is called?

For example 25th Anniversary is Silver and 50th Anniversary is Gold etc etc



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It depends on which list you look at, really! Aluminium is suggested sometimes, as well as tin.
Quizmonster, I can see some wonderful gifts on the way to the lucky couple.
Buy her a tin of beans that way she gets her tin
Here is a full list giswedding.html

This means that it is nearly our silver plate annniversary and next year will be our musical instrument anniversary
Tin, simple and cheap buy her a tin of baked beans and she has her tin and you get beans on toast for breakfast
Or all over your head!!
Tin is the traditional gift for the 10th wedding anniversary with diamond being the modern alternative, some people do refer to aluminium but it tends to be more american. tin gifts can be found on a selection of websites, one i found was
sorry, thats the american website, i meant

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10th Anniversary

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