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Sorry, all I get is 'Page no longer available'
Thanks daffy
Gotta love the RSPCA....

Always there when not needed, never around or even caring when they are.
The link's not there, pasta - tell me?
Sad - I think that the average cat is about 1/20th of the size of a human so the amount of paracetamol would have been pretty toxic.

Pity the RSPCA felt the need to take her to court.
Very sad, I'm sure she meant well but...........
Here's the local link too pasta which I saw today. I feel very sorry for the woman and no fonder of the RSPCA either.
I agree with BOO.

I didn't know that cats couldn't metabolise paracetamol......did you?

There is also some doubt as the cause of death...abscess or paracetamol.

OTT reaction by the RSPCA in my opinion.
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Thanks daffy...not sure why my link wouldn't work.

As one of the comments on the article said-why not spend the money on informing people of the dangers-rather than waste it on a court case.
Oh dear - so sad - the ownr thought she was doing the right thing and is now mourning her pet and no doubt feeling dreadful about her actions. How sympathetic of the RSPCA - like they'd bother to help if she phoned them (based on several of our personal experiences). I feel sorry for the woman as well as the cat.
page not available it says
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See link posted by daffy ;-)

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