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Cats and carpet

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Tom Braider | 09:23 Sat 02nd Jun 2012 | Pets
12 Answers
We've recently laid a new carpet and our two cats are exercising their claws on it - just in one spot, so far. What's a good way to stop them? They desist when we shout but even a few seconds of clawing is going to do noticeable damage...


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Try sprinkling a bit of pepper on that area.
Usually there is a big lump over from laying a new carpet,,,could you put a piece where they like to scratch and try to encourage them to use that...or make a post and cover it with the leftover stuff?
What commoner said. I've kept left over carpet for this purpose.
Put citrus or eucalyptus fragranced carpet freshener on it.
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Thanks, everyone. They already have a scratch post, we'll try the pepper and the smelly stuff...
We stopped our cat doing his claws on the furniture with a plant spray set on jet, like a water pistol,........great fun too.
Baldric, thats how i stopped my dog scratching at the back door too. Think it would work on the cat, as my cat runs off if even a drop of water touches her fur.
Oh yes cat v water = laugh.
We did try it on the dogs (2 Dobies) but they just open their mouths and try and catch the water.
Not with my cat....water doesn't bother him..
pepper on that spot. however, they will probably just go and find another! you could try a scratching post on that spot - one with catnip sprinkled on it to attract them and start a new habit. good luck x

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