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how to buy psone games

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lindseyjames10 | 13:55 Mon 10th Jan 2011 | Video Games
12 Answers
i want to buy resident evil 1, 2 and 3 but dont know where to get, can someone please tell me


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either on ebay or car boot sales. I have resi 2 if you want it! sis-in-law moved out and left about 20 odd PS1 games she didnt want.
Question Author
how am i gonna buy them from you
if its just resi you're after i'll post it to you. my mail address is [email protected].

if you're after other games i'll mail back with a list of whats there.
Similar to Booldawg, I have Resident evil 1 in the dusty cupboard.
I'd be very happy to pop it in the post completely free of charge.

[email protected]
-- answer removed --
Also, if you've got a ps3 you can download plenty of old ps1 games via the PSN marketplace thing (possibly good for saving space around the telly!)
This is an out there answer but if you have a wii you can get all the resi games with better resolution etc for it. (gamecube)
ebay is your best bet, i collect games and consoles and source many of mine off ebay, also try (can either search nationwide or local area) and try swapz (not sure if or .com)
there lots on there also, i have a few duplicates in my collection that i need to sell/swap.
or a game shop in your town so 'game', 'gamestation' even blockbuster might have it although they might wack the price up. but in the summer its all about the car boot sale!
lumination, i doubt game & gamestation will do psx/ps1 games as they stock ps3 now,
its all car-boot , online or classifieds now, remember the console is 15 years old...and still going strong.
the games have been remade on Gamecube and Wii aswell, and if you own a PSP or PS3 you can buy the games off the PSN network

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