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Right to buy & tenancy succession

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badhorsey | 14:22 Wed 12th Aug 2009 | Home & Garden
2 Answers
Hi, I've searched everywhere and can't find an answer to this.

I live in a council property in England, having succeeded the tenancy three years ago. I understand that right to buy comes into effect after five years but does that continue over from the tenancy that I've succeeded, or is it reset at the point of succession?


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hve you "searched" at the council? - give them a call!
As you are the tenant that will be buying the property it commences with the start date of YOUR tenancy.
So 5 years from the day when the tenancy became yours.
Therefore,going by your information,you have 2 years (approx) to go before you can put the "Right to Buy" into force.

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Right to buy & tenancy succession

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