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why can i hear a hearbeat /pulse in my ear

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osterley | 09:37 Fri 17th Apr 2009 | Health & Fitness
2 Answers
This may seem stupid, but I had an operation two days ago to remove some varicose veins from both my legs, since then I keep hearing my blood pressure/heartbeat/pulse in my left ear. My bp was checked before I left hospital and it was fine. Can nayone else hear theirs.


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if i'm resting my head aginst something i can ie. laying down in bed.

but stil perculiar its only just happening i thought everyone got it.
occasionally, yes. Blood flows to your ears, after all (try cutting one and see), and your ears are for hearing things with. I imagine we could hear it all the time if we paid attention.

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why can i hear a hearbeat /pulse in my ear

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