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can you stretch leather boots in the calf area

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osterley | 23:10 Thu 28th Aug 2008 | Beauty
7 Answers
i have a pair of knee high leather boots, and they are too tight around the calf, how can I stretch them to make them more comfortable.


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Hey ;)

Just keep wearing them around the house until the leather starts to give. The try with sox to stretch them a little more.

Or try here next time FQ-mQwodDSS9kA

Bb xx
Someone told me that if you stuff the boots with soggy newspaper overnight, then remove it and let them dry naturally, the leather's able to stretch. Don't know if this works, but otherwise, banjobabe sent you a useful ink. Hi bjb. x
knee high eh!
cor lol
news paper might be a good idea but i got others lmao
Question Author
thank you bb for the link. Forget the newspaper, im going to buy another pair from the website you suggested. Cheaper than Duo of Bath.
Oil the leather and stretch the top around something bigger than ur calf (moo!....had to get that in). ie bowl/metal pan.

Cream ur calf (ok...not again) to stop rubbing.
Thank you banjo,
I can never find boots with a wide enough calf. Even when I was much thinner boots never fit. This company delivers to U.S. Yeah!!!! I will be sending my American dollars to your economy very soon.
You can buy leather stretcher in shoe repair shops/key cutters. It comes in a can and you spray it on the inside then persevere with the zip and wear around the house. It works!

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can you stretch leather boots in the calf area

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