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keyplus90 | 17:41 Thu 22nd May 2008 | Animals & Nature
13 Answers


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I had one of those and the wheels fell off.
sdasfasdfgvd yhtyjyukm
wheels on an animal april??
I think it's an anagram - any other clues ?
Aprilis was that a mark 1 or a mark 2
4get, it was a nonsense answer to an nonsense question hun!

Dr Filth, it was a mk1. They ironed out that particular design fault in the mk2. LOL
-- answer removed --
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam euismod ante ac nisl. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec molestie. Mauris libero ligula, lacinia vel, condimentum sed, laoreet quis, dui. Mauris et urna ac elit aliquet accumsan. Ut pretium lorem vel urna. Morbi libero dolor, tempus ac, malesuada a, ultricies in, erat. Etiam in massa quis augue euismod hendrerit. Curabitur nulla mauris, aliquet eget, viverra viverra, lacinia sed, tellus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In nec nibh sed odio consectetuer pulvinar. Nulla hendrerit. Nam facilisis leo id neque. Praesent blandit pede nec velit. Fusce id sem. Sed arcu.

Morbi gravida felis ut nibh. Sed rhoncus. Sed at turpis. Sed risus nunc, feugiat et, volutpat quis, convallis eu, eros. Ut congue neque et dolor. Sed orci sapien, porta a, molestie vitae, imperdiet sit amet, eros. Curabitur nec ante eu nibh malesuada porttitor. Aenean lorem risus, mattis ac, convallis non, rutrum ac, augue. Mauris leo. Proin convallis. Nulla sed justo. Quisque ullamcorper commodo magna. Vivamus elementum, turpis et venenatis dignissim, metus magna condimentum ligula, in interdum ipsum nulla sit amet risus. Sed eros.
Oh no..... (sorry to disagree Dr F but sometimes a gal has to do what a gal has to do....)
Srory, I do not udrnetsnad the qseuoitn.
Question Author
And I am really sorry because I did not post this question. I am still trying to work out who did it.
aprilis and mine was a nonsense question to a nonsense answer to a nonsense question. :-)

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