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timid with cat litter issues

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Avelon | 15:17 Wed 07th Dec 2005 | Animals & Nature
11 Answers
I adopted my cat Missy and her sister Tofty (18 mths old) about a year ago from a cat santuary. They are the most timid and nervious cats ever, and arrived with cat-litter trainning issues and would often use my bed as cat-litter. Even now I have to lock all bedroom doors. My cats (Missy) has no health issues apart from obesity and refusing to leave the house. Recently Missy, has taken to regularly peeing on my carpet and I cannot bare it. (her sister is complete opposite). what can I do? I am at the end of my tether and cannot live like this anymore.


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A friends cat used to pee by the door when they were out sometimes. I turns out he just didn't like the dark, aahhh. So now they just leave a small lamp on for him at nights.

Have they had this problem for the year you've had them? they came to you that way? ( it didn't just start?) then check out this website. If they've been checked by the vet for any health issues, and they are fine, no UTI's or such then check out the website, they have lots of info on how and why about cats and will maybe help you pinpoint why they go on things other than a litterbox. There are allot of reasons why cats do this,( something scared them while in litterbox, other cats scared them or ambushed them so don't like a box, lid on box, or not in right location for cat etc...), please go to this website and remember, cats don't do it out of spite or to get back at you, those are human traits. clcik on "articles" and you'll find all kinds of info. Good Luck....

Hi Avalon. My dog had this problem of peeing (and pooing ! )on the carpet. One thing that helped is if you go to the vets and ask for a neutralising spray that you put on the carpet if they've peed there. (As both cats and dogs will tend to go in the same place time and time again). This should help. Leave a litter tray by the back door also. Good luck and don't tear your hair out - you WILL get there in the end. Vics X

you need to go back to basics im afraid limit your cat to a certain area, so less damage the better, ive been there and i could have cried as you want to do your best but you turn your back and they have done it and boy you could go mad at the time. i shut all my bedroom doors now as i have a timmid cat that pees and soz but she aint going in there...coz i know what will happen, ive recently got new carpets up stairs so its back too when they finish eating straight to the litter tray and keep throwing her nicely in there until she got it and now 6 weeks later no miss happs but i think i have it programed when she munches to watch her next move...

hope you get on ok...but i do know what its like and its not nice

but i think its retraining them as though kittens again it worked for me

firstly take her to the vet to rule out any medical problems like cystitis etc. ask you vet about feliway plug in they release feromones that help the cat feel less stressed and nervous which maybe the cause of the urinating?

is the cat peeing on just one spot on the carpet or all over the place?

dont clean with bleach or disinfectants they encourage the cat to go back as they small like urine to a cat. clean carpet with washing powder biological and then spray the area with dilute surgical spirit

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I thank you all for you suggestions, I will try them all and go with what works. My vets have diagnosed my cat Missy, as obese and they say she needs to exercise. I know it isn't down to the food she eats because her sister eats much more and is pure fur and bones (she is very active). Missy on the other hand will not leave the house and if I put her outside she just sits by the window and looks in until I let her in. She is just obese and lazy and the vets have not said she has a medical problem, I don't know how to get her to exercise!

Okay it took me a while to get back here, but again I will repeat, go to , check out "articles" and see "fun for cats". I am not sure you checked this website out, because you say you don't know how to get her to exercise. Please go to the webiste... it will help you.
Sorry "website"... I am about to fall asleep....
I had similar issues with my cat who is a very nervous cat and also doesn't like going out. She suddenly started peeing on the sofas, bed, carpets, well anywhere other than her litter tray. Turns out she had cystitis (stressed cats are susceptible to this). The vet treated her and it's only reoccurred once. The vet also recommended a feliway plugin, as she's such a nervous cat, and that seemed to work a treat too, had a noticable effect.
When the kitty pee's, lay down some newspaper and let it soak a little bit up. let it dry up.
Next, lay the paper down where it pee's, move it closer to the litter tray every day until eventually you just leave it on the litter tray itself.
Eventually just leave the newspaper and kitty should use the tray itself with no paper required.

DON'T shout or give kitty into trouble for it in the meantime, it will only make things worse and she'll just pee in 'secret', you won't know where - but you, and especially visitors, will smell it. It'll just make your house smelly for no reason.

Obesity isn't good for any cats, it isn't exactly helping matters either - see a vet and see if there's a reason for the excess weight & pee'ing too.

sorry to here about your trouble i have the same.
I have mother and daughter the mother is great but the kitten is a nightmare, she keeps weeing everywhere her bedroom being the favourite she is that bad she waits for me to get up in a morning comes running in and does it straight away. I'v brought that feliway plug in and yeah it did stop them fighting but not in the weeing stakes! I'v also had her spayed which didnt help , you could try happy places ( putting small dishes of food where she is doing it ) this did help me for about a week !!! any suggestions for my self would be appreciated

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