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Getting A Refund In A Shop

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JonRB | 12:46 Sat 19th Jan 2008 | Shopping & Style
3 Answers
I bought my girlfriend a pair of shoes just before Christmas. They were a Christmas present but she doesn't like them. If i take them back in the original bag with the receipt can i ask for a refund? Can the shop tell me they don't do refunds or am i entitled to one?



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You are not entitled to a discount, whether or not you get one is entirely down to the discretion of the shop.
you might be able to get a refund if you got the receipt etc... alot o the shops at crimbo time do like a gift receipt for unwanted/unliked gifts, not sure if this will qualify for the shoes tho, and if no luck you could always try sellin them on ebay- hope this helps!
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Got my money back no problem.
Thanks for the replies.

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Getting A Refund In A Shop

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