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getting insured on a 1.3 KA - provisional license!

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hiya_123 | 17:21 Thu 03rd Jan 2008 | Insurance
7 Answers

I am due to buy a 1.3i KA on saturday and was wondering if it would be cheaper to go on my own insurance or 4 it 2 be insured in my dads name and make me a named driver on it? Please help!



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That would be the second one then, ask him to do it for a year and make sure you can transfer the no claims that you accumulate at the end of the year to a new policy.

You don't mention your age so I'm guessing you're a young driver?

The earlier answer may well be correct. However, beware.

When making his proposal your father will be asked if he owns the car. If he says no, he would be unlikely to be granted a policy. (In general you cannot insure something which you do not own). If he (falsely) says yes there is the likelihood (especially in the event of an accident and a claim being made) that the insurers will make enquiries. If they establish that you are the owner they can (and usually do) retrospectively cancel the policy. This means you will not only be liable to pay for any damage or injuries you may have caused, but also you stand likely to be charged with driving without insurance.

My own view is that you would be unlikely to save very much adopting this strategy (insurers became wise to it long ago and usually charge the premium for the driver with the highest risk � i.e. you). Many insurers will not allow you to claim any no claims discount you may have accumulated as a non-policy holder. And most importantly, you do not risk the perils that I have outlined.
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Thanks 4 ur answers!

I'm 19 and have my 4th test nxt week! i am hoping to pass b4 May (when my thoery runs out!) I have heard it is alot cheaper 2 go onto my dads a a named driver, i am not too bothered about no claims at the moment until i get my full licence! what would u suggest? xx
The no claims bonus is what makes insurance cheaper.

At 19 your insurance is going to be expensive. But so is the cost of running a car.

As has already been pointed out, if you are a named driver on your dad's insurance there may be very real problems if you need to claim.

Far better to get insured in your own name -just be prepared for a big bill.

Good article here about 'fronting up'

Having done this for myself and now couple of years later my brother, I can give you couple of ideas....

1. We bought a fleet policy for all cars at home. Basically going through an insurance broker we put my car, my parents 2 cars and my brothers learning car on one policy. We each own the cars individually so no problems with the insuarance being void due to different named drivers. My brother has a moped and now a car, his insurance ended up being �65 for a year on the moped and �200 a year on the 1.2 corsa. This saved us massively! He had quotes of about �1.5k by himself. Also my insurance dropped �200 a year doing this. Saving for us all and we all gather our no claims discounts per person!

2. When i passed my test and got my car, i got the insurance in my name, but put my dad on the policy which actually decreased the cost of just having me on it.

Hope fully this helps, it can be very expensive!
rose99 seems to have grapsed this very well - using the multi-car policies (where all the vehicles on cover MUST be kept at the risk address) is the easiest way to do this - doesn;t always work out that cheap for everyone though.

Insuring your vehicle using your father as the policyhodler is illegal - it is caleld fronting, and if you have an accident, it's possible the insurer won;t pay out.

Just insure it yourself - it was expesnive for me that way too, but how else do you think you'll build up your NCB?
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Thanks for all ur answers guys!

Gouldc, i didn't know it was illegal to have my dad as the main driver on my car?thanks 4 letting me know!

I have sorted my insurance now, i got a really gd quote from Bell Insurance (has anyone else heard of them?) which was �701 for 10 months on my own insurance, fully comp, breakdown cover etc! and the reason why it is only for 10months is that Bell Insurance were doing a special deal where u get ur no claims after 10 months! this was the cheapest quote i got, the highest was �1600!! now all i need to do is pass my test!! x

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getting insured on a 1.3 KA - provisional license!

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