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Exercise and Calories Burnt

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zipadeedodah | 17:05 Sat 08th Sep 2007 | Health & Fitness
2 Answers
At the end of last year I decided enough was enough and I HAD to lose weight. Since then I have lost about 3 and a half stone. I try to do 10 miles a day on an exercise bike, which takes me anywhere between 33 and 35 minutes. My bike tells me that this is roughly burning 400 calories, but I know that actual calories burned depends on many factors. Does anyone know what these are? And the amount of difference they will make?


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It depends on your sex, your weight and your level of fitness.

A hugely overweight unfit person would burn a lot more calories than a healthy fit person used to the exercise.

For optimum exercise buy yourself a heart rate monitor - they can be bought quite cheaply now - and work within your fat burning zone:

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Thanks Ethel :o)

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Exercise and Calories Burnt

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