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feeling lonely

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emjac | 22:06 Fri 10th Sep 2004 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
I don't know what has been wrong with me for the past few days, but I have been really down and panicky about things, ie I keep worrying that someone is going to break into the house, whilst I am asleep. I can't stop thinking about all the dreadful events thats happening in the world at the moment, I am scared for what the future might bring. My partner is away at the moment he went away for 4 months and to my relief he is back october time, we have a 13 mth old boy who is adorable, I am also worring like mad about him and what is going to happen, I just don't feel safe anymore. My partner and I were thinking about trying for a second child when he gets back, but I am not sure I want to bring another child into this dreadful world we live in. I am normally a really happy person and dont know why I keep thinking these morbid thoughts. I don't feel I can talk to anyone, they will just think I am weird


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emjac, I'm sorry you're feeling so low. You say you've just felt like this for a few days. How were you feeling before that? Have you had this feeling before? Did something trigger this? I'm sorry to ask so many questions, but I'm wondering if something triggered this. There can be a number of explanations - depression, anger that you've bottled up, hormone changes, PMT etc It could be that you've been watching these horrific scenes from Beslan in Russia, and started to think more deeply about things and about some of the depressing things happening in the world. You're probably missing your partner too. If you don't think you can talk to anyone you know, how about speaking to your GP?
You are certainly not weird. What you are experiencing is very natural and happens to lots of us. You have probably been lonely without your partner and sometimes being on your own gives you more time to think about all the depressing things that go on in the world. Remember that lots of really good things go on in the world as well, but they don't make good news. When you feel like this try to do something physical, like taking your lovely son out for a long walk and point out all the lovely things that you see around you. Rev Shirls answer to you is very good and I agree with everything she says. Your partner will be back soon, and I am sure you will feel more positive. Have you a really close girlfriend you can talk to over a glass of wine, or two - this is what my friend and I do when either of us needs some support.
Emjac, we are living in very strange times - but probably no more strange or brutal than has gone on throughout history. We are lucky that living in Britain etc we are generally shielded from the worst excesses of human nature. I work in news, and I have never ever been so affected in doing my job as I have by recent events in Russia. I'm normally able to shrug off such things, but, over the last week I have been deeply deeply unsettled by what went on at that school. Like you, I have a young child and I think what we have seen brings it home all the more. Your problems are probably made worse than the fact your husband is away. It's really important that you unload your fears on a friend or family member. They are not irrational worries, but need to be put in perspective. It's good to have a cry. And talking to colleagues has really helped me. You have an undoubtably beautiful son, and for all the nastiness we are exposed to, there is also great love, warmth and generosity in the world. There really is. There are billions of people in the world, and what just 8 Chechens did in that school unbelievably rare occurance. I really do wish you all the best. But make sure you talk to someone. It is so important.
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Thank you all for the supportive replies. I have a good friend coming round this evening for a chat, thanks again.
Hi emjac i also feel like you at times and a few weeks ago i was realy down to a point were i thought i might have a breakdown normaly im happy go lucky so i decided i had to do something about it i bought paul mckennas change your life in seven days its brilliant fantastic and i reccomend it to anyone feeling down but im also teaching myself to meditate to get rid of morbid thoughts and to feel more relaxed and its definatly helping i no its not everyones cup of tea i didnt think it was mine but im feeling better everyday and im sure you will soon.

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