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kegga69 | 08:45 Sat 27th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
i am 33years old. mother of 2 teenagers. i have always had trouble with my periods since starting. i was steralised at 24, and since periods got worse. had baloon abrasion almost 2 years ago. still get painfull but not so heavy periods but spotting all the time. suffered from anxiety and severe depression since 1998. still do. i have no sex drive at all for the past 2 years and now i have no control over my bladder. i can feel myself doing it but i can't stop it. please please please help


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I understand that its possible to put a stitch up near the sphincter muscle to help "leaks" but you need to go and talk to your Doctor and explain to him/her what you have written here. Your problem is not that unusual and if you are embarrassed about talking to a doctor then make an appointment to talk to the practise nurse instead. Its a problem that can be resolved. Please talk to someone medical about all your anxieties and the trouble that you have and they will sort them out one by one. You are not unique in this but you need help that only the medical people can give.
Physio is probably where you are headed. Go to the docs and don't be embarrassed. How poor is your bladder control, are you constantly leaking? Or is it stress incontinence. They can test how strong your pelvic floor muscles are by placing a probe in your vagina and getting you to clench, the machine then records how strong your grips are. Fron then they might give you weights to help you perform the properly, or a machine that gets the muscles to do it for you. Like those abdominal muscle toners really.
My friend is a physiotherapist and she specialises in postnatal incontinence but she has told me stories of little old ladies who have practically know control at all and have become continent again, so there is hope for you.

A bugbear of mine is that after you have a baby they give you a leaflet about pelvic floor exercises and that is it. In France women get sent to clinics to make sure everything is ticking alright down below.

Good luck.
The best thing you can do is get a referal to a urologist. This needs proper investigating to ensure that it is treated in the right way. Go to your GP asap and get him/her to refer you urgently. Don't let them waste any more time. Insist that you need to be seen asap! Best wishes! Hope you feel a lot better soon. :o)
It is imperative that you see your GP and ask for help to get control back of your bladder. There are tests that can be performed, Urodynamics, which will specifically pinpoint the type of incontinence you have, as there are many different types, all requiring different treatment. You could ask to be referred to the continence nurse in the meantime who will be able to help you deal with things on a day to day basis.
Please don't be embarrassed to seek medical advice.
Best of luck
Yours is a fairly common problem and one dealt with on a regular basis in the Operating Theatres where I work. There are several different procedures that can be performed depending upon your specific symptoms, most of which are quick and often don't even require a general anaesthetic.
Go along to your GP who should refer you to a urologist or gynaecologist who will deal with your particular problem.

Best of luck.

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