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potential neighbours from hell

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happyapple | 10:07 Sat 04th Nov 2006 | Law
10 Answers
I've just bought an old victorian town house and am waiting to exchange contracts.
I have just read in the newspaper that planning permission has been applied for for the 2 houses directly next door to me to be turned into a hostel.
I'l really worried about this. Does anybody know how I could try and stop it?


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whats up with a hostel?
anyway to answe your question,anybody is allowed to comment on planning permission applications, and the comments will be taken into account when they cnsider it. You will need to send your comments into the local council (some you can do it online)
is there anyway of asking your solicitor why it didnt come up in the searches?
Bednobs, there is nothing wrong with a hostel but I am sure if happyapple had wanted to live next to one they would have bought a house with a hostel next door!

Happyapple, you are obviously not keen about living next door to one and only you can decide whether to pull out now or live with it and see how it goes. It could howver, devalue your property and make it less appealing to future
do you know what sort of hostel its going to be,it could be a hostel for nice people,not all hostels are for naughty boys & girls
Question Author
thanks for your replies.
At the moment I dont know what sort of hostel its going to be...... I have young children so a bail hostel would be my worst nightmare, but also youth hostel or homeless is still not ideal.
Did you not have searches done beforehand, and if so I would have thought that planning permission for house next door would come up. Perhaps a legal eagle can advise better ??
Question Author
the planning was only applied for last week, this is after my searches were complete.
Do not exchange until you are 100% happy. At this stage you are within yout rights to withdraw from the sale without penalty. Ok you will lose a little money but it is better to be safe than sorry.

Ask your solicitor to find out for you.

Maybe your local council has online access to the plans. If not, a trip to the planning dept. should provide you with the information. Anybody can object to a planning application provided they have a relevant objection.

Good luck.
Complain complain and complain. A hostel opened opposite me and we've had sh*t since. Drinking, shouting, fighting. Non stop. Then about a month ago one of them was murdered in it
Planning for a hostel would not show up on a search it only searches the outline of the property you are buying. I would pull out of the sale if it were me, because you have no idea how much it will devalue your property and how hard it will make it to sell on. It seems harsh, but if you are questioning it and worried, it will be even more so when future buyers actually find the hostel up and running. However if you continue with the sale you can put an objection in to the planning section and it will be taken into consideration - but even if the Council refuse permission it can still go to appeal and be overturned.

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