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French chewy sweets, orange, lemon, strawberry and cherry?

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VenalWinfrey | 15:23 Tue 24th Oct 2006 | Food & Drink
7 Answers
Can anyone remember the name of these french chewy sweets? They are basically small chews, in flavours above, and I believe you COULD only get them in France, in a bag rather than a tube. They're really nice and I was hoping to search online and see if I could get them anywhere local.

thanks all


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Are you thinking of the "Petits Pimousse" sweets, made by La Pie Qui Chante? They were gorgeous, all chewy and juicy...Yum! Sorry, don't know if they still do them as I haven't lived in France for 5 years, but I'm sure they wouldn't have stopped them!

See at the bottom of the page here, if you recognise the bag: ie_qui_chante/la_pie_qui_chante.php

Yes, they still do them and still available in Leclerc, Carrefour etc
I know exactly what you mean but can't think of the name......we use them as "currency" when playing cards on holiday!!! I will keep thinking
This is killing me! Is it "regalaid" or something like that? You can get the flavours you describe plus "milk" flavours??

There is something similar called tendre fruits I think and no French holiday was complete for my kids without Carambars
Oooooh alibobs!! you're thinking of the "Regal'ade" by Krema!
Same sort of chewy sweets, VenalWinfrey. Those are gorgeous too....mmmmmmhh..I want some now! :-(
They're the ones Maximo!!
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Thanks very much everyone!

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French chewy sweets, orange, lemon, strawberry and cherry?

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