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Lamb and salad

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KRT123 | 21:30 Fri 20th Feb 2009 | Phrases & Sayings
9 Answers
Does anyone know where the term "lying there like lamb and salad comes from?


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You sure you haven't just made that up? Eh?
pmsl never heard that
Question Author
It is not made up! My mother-in-law came out with it. Apparently her mum used to say it too! ;-)
i've heard "like a lamb to the slaughter"
Maybe your grandmother in law made it up.
Never heard it either. What part of the country/the world does your mother in law come from? It may be possible to trace it (Sounds like a job for Quizmonster!) It sounds related to sayings like ' being in clover' meaning having everything you need, being quids in,being without a care, without having to do anything to be happy (a grazing animal in a field full of clover has excellent food all around it).

There is a plant called 'lamb's lettuce' which is used in salad!
Question Author
If it is a colloquialism (probably spelt that wrong) it is from the North East of England.

Even if it is not a proper saying... it will become a family heirloom!

Thanks for your help ;-)
My grandmother used to say 'Sitting there like lamb and salad', meaning sitting there doing nothing, I'm not sure now whether it just meant you were lazy or if it meant you thought you were like lady muck. My grandmother was from the North East too, must be a local saying there!
My mum used to use the expression ‘like lamb and salad’ for sitting around doing nothing
Ashe probably learned it in the 1920s at home in Darlington or in the family village in North Yorkshire

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