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Do Not See My Spam Emails

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cas42 | 07:24 Sun 22nd Apr 2018 | Spam & Scams
5 Answers
Hi, up until a few days ago, I always accessed my emails through my laptop. However, since I got a new phone I can access them on this and have noticed that I have received Spam emails. On checking this there are messages in there that are not Spam. Can anyone help on how I can get Spam emails on my laptop. The last question I asked on this site was set up so I receive an email when I had a reply and I noticed that these were showing in my Spam inbox but never saw them on my laptop. I use Outlook for emails but not an Outlook email address - instead I use a Utility Warehouse address. Can anyone help please as to how I can see Junk email on my laptop. Thanks for any help.


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Why would you want to see spam?
so you can check whether they really are spam, wbm?
Good point jno. :o}
Check spam and mark those you want as "not spam" or whichever words they use on yours.... and they will go to your inbox instead.
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Thanks pixie374 - but I cannot see the spam emails on my laptop, there is nothing showing in my 'Junk E-mail.

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Do Not See My Spam Emails

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