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boil down below

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weedophile | 09:49 Wed 18th May 2005 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
i have found a little red lump on my vagina which is sore and just looks like a boil. I have had a few in the past which have gone after a couple of days (a couple of them had whiteheads on) so do you have any idea if this is normal and if they are just spots. I would appreciate any advice you have.



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would it be maybe that you have an in growing hair?? If you are worried about it weedophile, I suggest that you see your doctor just to be on the safe side. x
I've had spots there, usually after my period. But if in doubt, do go to the docs, they'll have seen it all before.

I have something called hydrodenitis superativa (HS), which is where i get boils and absesses primarily between my legs and occasionally around my groin and chest areas, another common place is under your arms.  You may well just have spots brought on by the time of the month and i'm not saying for one minute that you have HS, but if at all worried you should go and see a doctor.  Very few GP's know anything about HS, mine started at 12 years old and i was diagnosed at 24!!

If caught early it can be controlled well,  I'm not trying to scare you, but keep an eye on it and if it seems to be getting worse or you have the same thing in other areas then please take action.  By the time mine was diagnosed it was too late to control it with any real success. And it bl**dy hurts!

Possibly an ingrown hair?
Ulcers might come from something as simple as chafing. It gets warm down there, what with knicks, tights and tight trews.  However, your mind will be put at rest if you do as the others say and go to the doc's.  Maybe there's a nurse attached to the practice?  Also, these days of a 10 min. visit, the GP might not even look, they know the pill/potion/pessary that is needed if it is a common complaint.  In the meantime, squat down and bathe gently & frequently with warm water, dry properly and use a good quality unscented ointment on the outside only; walk round the house with your lower part aired - just wear a long skirt.  See if you feel more comfortable - but don't forget the GP appointment.

First I want to say the usual, please go to the doc or nurse and get it checked out. Having said that (and I mean it), I suspect that what you have is a blocked bartholin's gland. Is it on one side of the entrance ie not at the top or bottom? These can be hellish painful but are not dangerous unless they recur. Wear loose undies to avoid chafing and avoid using soap or perfumed toiletries in that area. If it is a blocked gland, unless it becomes infected, it should resolve by bursting in about 3 to 5 days. As to why it happens, unless it is a recuring problem, which would indicate an underlying and minor issue, sometimes it just does and quite commonly. People don't tend to go around talking about it so when it does happen to someone for the first time, it feels like no one else has ever had the problem.

if you google on "blocked bartholins gland" there is quite a bit of info out there.

weedophile, to make you smile, here are the ads that come up opposite your post...DO NOT try any of the remendies or sources of help suggested here!

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Re: weedophile/Englishgirl...
I have had hydrodenitis superativa for nearly 12 years now. The initial signs are small red coloured boils (with a dark centre) that are soft to the touch. They usually have a life of about 3/4 days then they burst expelling the contents of the sack (dark smelling blood, the sack and large blood clots), under the skin.
If you need any more help regarding medication, help, clinics, dressings, side effects or any tips (I've picked up, that makes it easier to cope with)... It will be my pleasure to help?
Please watch for miracle cures... I've found NOTHING that fully cures (I am having my 1st skin graft, this year).
Please stay positive (I know how you feel... BELIEVE ME!)!

Warmest wishes,


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