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Acid Reflux

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Dollie | 10:11 Tue 20th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
Does anyone out there have this ? I wake up during the night with acid taste in my throat and mouth so take a Rennie which quickly relieves it. However, would like to know if anyone takes something to PREVENT it happeneing in the first place. I've stopped eating late at night and don't do anything to aggrevate it - so can anyone suggest a preventative measure I could take? Thanks in anticpiation.


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Dollie, the same thing happened to me and In a Pickle advised me to see a doctor and get Omeprazol, which is marvellous and stops all the acid coming back. Now I can sleep without choking.
Aree 100%, dont take nurofen
Hi Dollie, i have been suffering with this for ages now. Mine gets so bad that it makes me vomit, happens very quickly and can take me by surprise. I went to the DR and he just gave me a 28 day course of tablets, they held it off whilst i took them, but after that it came back with a vengance. I hate it and drink gallons of Gaviscon. I have found that bread sets me off along with pastry, weetabix, can't touch thoses and those wheat type things. Try and pinpoint what you have eaten when it happens. I still get it sometines even when i haven't had these things though. Its the bain of my life.
Hi Dollie,

Mu Husbnad suffers with this and so the Doctor perscribed him Losec, he takes one a day and now has no symptons, and it doesn't stop him from eating and drinking what he wants, the only thing is that you have to take them every day otherwise it may come back, but get checked out first, you may find that you have an ulcer there, losec also helps this too. Good luck
A dose of Gaviscon taken just before bedtime seems to be very effective in preventing it but possibly too much acid in the diet may be a cause, although even without this, the natural acids in your stomach which help digest the food can also be responsible.
don't take drugs!!

I go through periods of having this, and when I improve my diet it goes COMPLETELY. when I eat crap- processed food/sugar/salt etc I have regular acid reflux. As soon as I start eating healthily- proper food/fruit and veg/no rubbish, it vanishes.
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I also have a hiatus hernie, controlled with Pantoprazol (sp?) which I take once a day, and it stops almost all suymptoms. I do have an occasional reflux, but i can live with it - surgery is used as a last resort now, because the treatment involves 'looping' a small section of the stomach and tying it off, which eliminates the hernia, but also removes the ability to burpp (!) which can simply substitute one set of peoblems for another.

Check with your GP - if it's common enough for prescription drugs to be available, it's easily treated.
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Thank you all very much for your informative and prompt replies. Will go to docs and sound him out - and hopefully one of the drugs you have advised will help. Cheers Doll x
my husband had the aforementioned operation in february this year - he had the same symptoms as described in this post, often getting a very bad nights sleep, or waking up choking/vomiting - tablets (pantoprazole helped a bit but not greatly, he had been on various medications for 10 years He is in his 30's)
since he woke from the operation, the acid reflux has been completely eliminated, and he really really has a new lease of life ... oesophageal cancer runs in his family, so that was another reason to get the op done (over many years, the acid can cause changes to the cells in the oesophagus, in fact, in america people have this op as a cancer prevention strategy if they have it in their family)
anyway, you are right, he can't "burp" as such (although can approximate it if necessary) it does mean the air has to go somewhere, so he does fart more, but on balance, he much much prefers this to the pain/sleepless nights

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