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Time for us to leave Helmand?

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anotheoldgit | 14:30 Sun 28th Mar 2010 | News
10 Answers

Would there be any shame in it, if British troops did withdraw and left it to the US Marine Corps?

Our troops are the finest in the world, but the US forces are better equipped and better supported by their Government, than ours is.


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It would be a humiliation and a betrayal of the 250 troops who have been killed there.

They have done a very difficult job very well, and to hand over to the Americans when victory is in sight for them to take the glory is repugnant.
Victory in sight Gromit?

The UK and US troops could be in Afghanistan for a hundred years (and they may well be unless a decision is taken to get out) and they will be no further forward. They might as well be asked to fight a jelly in a spider’s web.

The Russians lost some 15,000 personnel there in the 1980s, deploying up to 100,000 troops and they were unsuccessful. The Afghan project is a futile exercise. The men and women of the UK forces do a superb job but are being badly led by politicians. Alas ultimately it will be shown that their sacrifices were in vain.

We have no consistent reason for being there (the explanations vary from keeping the streets of London safe to enabling more girls in that country to be educated – hardly a reason to sacrifice British lives). As soon as Afghanistan was invaded all those having any connections with terrorism promptly decamped, mainly to Pakistan, Syria and Yemen. There is more connection between residents of Newham or Luton with terrorism than there is with Afghans.

If the troops were sent into Pakistan that would be a very different matter.
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The American's take the glory? I don't think there is much of that for anybody involved in Afghanistan.
Having said that^^^ I'm not running down the sacrifice of the men and women who have served there.
That's what I call a hasty retreat Sandy-Wroe.
They are not really withdrawing more moving to Kandahar, Uruzgan and Zabul. The other day on I think it was one of your threads Oldgit that Helmand Province takeover is successful and I did say that I was a cynic but exactly what is the politics behind the movement of our British troops? Kandahar is the heart of the Taliban, more blood will be shed there and I think since the increased Amercian troop surge why can't they take the offensive there and leave the British in Helmand to continue helping the Civilians?

I don't trust Gen McChrystal, I think the suggested move is more in Amercia's interest and I think I hope that British Officials remain opposed to it.
I don't think that is the solution. First of all I said few things so many times earlier. Britain should have read their own history about those tribal areas including Afghanistan where they could not penetrate even when they ruled almost all over the world. Americans did not read that history either.

Although Al Qaeeda is known as (Al Faeeda for America) in Muslims countries. And Al Faeeda means something which benefits you. But still American should have never put Taliban in the same group as Al Qaeeda. Right now anyone who does not agree with America is either Al Qaeeda or Taliban.

We will have to get Taliban on board again and there is no other solution. And already it is happening. The only difference is that Americans want to create (as usual) team of people they like. They are trying to push Mullah Omer (Taliban Head) out and that is impossible.

Finally the only solution is that American should admit that 9/11 was an inside job and admit that invading Iraq and Afghanistan was a mistake and then MAY be there would be some progress otherwise just think that world has become more safer or dangerous since 9/11 and then due to Bush's so called war on terror?
A betrayal of the 250 killed there Gromit?

What about the next 250? Are they sacrificed, just for stubborn stupidity?
Why have we never moved on from the past:

"Into the valley rode the 600"....all the cavalry regiment killed

We have tried to punch above our weight for decades now. Solving the world's problems only benefit the Prime Minister in charge at the time. I wish they would stop giving coverage to Thatcher's involvement in the Falklands. Blair has tried to emulate this with his involvement in 5 wars.

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Time for us to leave Helmand?

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