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Are Britain's seaside resorts worth overhauling?

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AB Editor | 01:00 Thu 08th Mar 2007 | Travel
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Are Britain�s seaside resorts worth overhauling to get people going there on holiday?

  • Yes, we have some great coastal areas. With some extra funding and effort we could soon have a thriving seaside tourism industry again. - 18 votes
  • 58%
  • No, the glory days of Britain's seaside resorts is in the past, nothing is going to bring that back. Forget about the tourism and just focus on the people living there. That's what matters now, not holiday makers. - 7 votes
  • 23%
  • It's better to focus on the welfare of the people living there. Britain's seaside tourism has long been fading away and money isn't enough to raise its profile. - 6 votes
  • 19%

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Are Britain's seaside resorts worth overhauling?

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