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Hand Baggage - Security Requirements

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mushroom25 | 15:09 Sun 08th Sep 2013 | Travel
9 Answers
all airline and airport FAQ pages provide a list of what's not permitted in aircraft hand baggage - but the lists are of the wooliest and carry the caveat "not exhaustive".

All lists say "tradesman's tools", but what exactly does this mean? is that anything that could be potentially used as a weapon (eg sharp like a screwdriver, or heavy like a hammer), or does it mean "ANYTHING"?

need to take a 30m surveyor's tape to Ronaldsway tomorrow - the tape is made of platicised fabric and is wound on a plastic reel with a plastic handle. What are my chances?


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I suppose someone could quibble about the pointy bit on the end but if you can take knitting needles now, I don`t see that a surveyors tape would be a problem.
IMHO you should be ok.

I've never really understood the stringency of hand luggage restrictions, particularly when travelling abroad. After going through all the security checks, in Duty Free one can purchase spirit and perfume bottles, which would make ideal weapons if smashed for 'glassing' purposes.
Haven't been allowed to take my knitting needles, crochet hook or embroidery scissors in my hand luggage for years now.
Has this changed, 237? I would love to be able to knit on a flight.
gness - I have seen people knitting on flights (needles were originally banned for a few years after 9/11)
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thanks guys :-)
Flying tomorrow....will now take all needles and wool out of the hold luggage and into my carry-on....should I be arrested i will look to 237 to mount my defence and free me....;-) x

gness, leave the axe at home for goodness sake!
And the flame thrower !.
gness - it might depend which airline you are on. I would check with their website. Scissors can be carried if they have blades less than 6cm.

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Hand Baggage - Security Requirements

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