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Digital Camera?

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yelenots | 21:55 Sat 23rd Oct 2010 | Technology
14 Answers
I'm after buying a new one...please can someone recommend a good, reasonable priced, long battery life, small and compact with a large screen - I dont want much!! Thanks


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I bought one last year on ebay. It came from China and only cost me about £30. It has been satisfactory for my requirements and has all the features you mention. The battery is a lithium one which is rechargeable.
We bought a Fuji (Fujipix) compact digital camera for my wife last year and she's very pleased with it. It does everthing my wife wants for photos taken on holiday, at the zoo, in museums and indoors at home. It cost £120 and has a x5 zoom lens.

There are so many compact digital cameras around at a wide range of prices. I would recommend that you pay a medium price. Don't buy a real cheapy for £60 or so as you get what you pay for. You can pay £400+ but I can't see much difference over a £120 compact.

One word of caution Yelenots! Don't buy a compact camera that runs off 2 AA batteries. They don't last long and you will be forever changing batteries. When you settle on a camera, make sure it has lithium-ion batteries as one will usually last all day. My wife's cost £5 each on-line and we have four.
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thank you Andyvon, my daughter has a Fuji one and is pleased with it too. I have a Pentax one at the moment, not very user friendly and runs on AA batteries - thats why I'm after a new one!! They only last an hour or so!!
I just bought a Lumix TZ10(Panasonic) fantastic camera, takes HD video as well about. £300
these days get at least 10 MP, and optical zoom is far more important than digital zoom

use rechargeable batteries - they might be more expensive initially but soon pay for themselves
you don't really need oodles of megapixels unless you want to print poster-size photos, but you'll probably get them anyway. The Panasonic Lumix ones are very good - TZ10 as Ratter says, but I think you can still get slightly older TZ models more cheaply. Rechargeable lithium battery (good for 300+ pictures) and a big zoom, though the camera itself isn't big.

You can also get cameras the size of credit cards which won't have so much zoominess. Canon and Fuji are good reputable makes.
here's a TZ6 for £160 - doesn't do HD films, just ordinary ones
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Thank you everyone.
jno just going to have a look at that one :)
bibble is right, optical zoom is important.
Check camera reviews on amazon.
If you just want a simple point and click Asda have some good deals on at the mo!
look for ones with high mega pixels 10+ and one with a Li-ion rechargable battery otherwise you'll be paying a fortune in batteries!,default,pd.html
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Thanks for all your replies :-) I've just bought a refurbished one from the Fuji website, its a Finepix z20fd has a rechargeable battery, opitical zoom and a large screen and it was only £39.99 and....... guaranteed for 1 year - cant wait for it to arrive!!
The website is is anyone else wants a bargin - there are lots on there!
You`re advertising must have helped Fuji as they`re now out of stock of that model camera.
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carlton23 - only the coloured ones are out of stock!

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