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10%.........10%..........thats what the teachers.................

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stokemaveric | 23:16 Mon 13th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
want as a pay rise......ffs they have it cushy enough already.....they have more weeks off in the year than santa claus....they earn on average 20k a year....they ought to do their maths and see that they are already on a good screw..................................


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Hi stoke. You might think it looks like all holidays, but a relative of mine's a teacher, and he's spent the first week of this holiday helping out on a school trip. This coming week, he's sorting out projects for when he goes back. He's hardly having any time with his own children. Also - 20K a year? Look at what they sometimes have to put up with! I'd be after 30!! : )
-- answer removed --'re talking out of your a@se stoke... come and do my job for a week and then tell me we don't earn our holidays you [email protected] of ignorant people having a go a teachers they should be directing their comments at the parents of the poor little s0ds we have to try and educate. Try and get a class of thirty young people to learn when twenty percent are ferral you kn0b!......
I spent 15 years in teaching. I never worked less than 60 hours per week, and usually much longer. Many of my so-called holidays were spent attending courses (which were essential for my job) and I always has a hell of a battle to make sure that I didn't end up paying to go on those courses.

The school half terms and easter holidays were often spent largely spent taking the school football and cricket teams on tour. Every Saturday morning, for the first two terms of the year, I'd be refereeing school football matches, or taking the teams to away fixtures. None of those activities resulted in any extra pay.

Throughout the summer term I'd struggle to try to teach classes where loads of kids were absent because their parents had taken them out of school to go on cheap holidays. When the summer holidays finally came, I couldn't afford to go away because (unlike all of those kids' parents) I couldn't get any cheap offers.

The median weekly pay for adult males in the UK, back in April 2008, was �521 (equivalent to over �27,000 p.a.). It doesn't seem unreasonable that highly-qualified professionals (in whatever discipline) should be earning significantly more than that.
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I can't say I agree with Stokie but if you are a teacher naughtyboy , I'm glad you are not educating my kids.
........spleen vented, been too nice too long. I teach with my heart not just my intellect.......
before I retired I must admit I was embarrassingly well paid compared to teachers, nurses, firemen, soldiers, and all jobs like that. My only fear is that now I'm retired my savings are earning zilch interest and I've just been advised that my company pension will go up by the princely amount of 0.9%. My fear is that pay demands like this will totally cripple my income with the ensuing rise in the cost of living....
Yes of course the holidays are good but there is no more important job than trying to give todays young people some kind of education to make them able to be positive contributors to society. After all these are the people who'll be forced to look after us when we are old and senile. In the course of an average week I get bitten kicked and generally abused by some of the most vulnerable young people in our society these children are not born this way it is the way they see adults behave that makes them act this way!! Any children yet mr stokemaveric or do i still have to wait in despair for the product of your way of looking at the world to drag their sorry arses to my classroom?
almost every teacher my daughter has had as her form tutor since she was 7 (she is 12 now) has been off due to pregnancy, maternity leave then back to school and within a few months pregnant again.

its really annoying, supply teachers are useless, 3 of her teachers are pregnant at the moment, her form tutor has appauling attendance as it is without ********* off for a year whilst my daughters education suffers :(
that expletive was b u g g e r i n g
I wouldn't mind their pension rights as well. That's worth a hell of a lot.
Back in the 1950s (when I first went to school - and also when sex outside of marriage was taboo), women teachers weren't allowed to be married. If they wanted to get married (and have kids) they had to resign from their posts. That meant that only women with no direct experience of raising kids were allowed to teach them!

May I assume that you're not suggesting a return to those days? ;-)
PS, Cazzz: If you're wondering, I had a total of 2� days off sick during my 15 years in teaching. (We're not all malingerers, you know!)
........nah knobby, those types of kids are not a product of any teachers just people like you......
yes!, my daughters maths teacher is 23!!! when I went to school all the teachers were old and very strict, they were not off as soon as they got their teaching qualification to get pregnant as quickly as possible. Its a disaster for a childs education when your teacher takes massive lumps of time off only to come back and get pregnant again within a few months!

bring back the old days
Like any profession, some of them deserve it and some don't - however, in the current economic climate, it is moraly wrong to expect tax payers to stump up extra when they themselves are struggling. They need to get real and be grateful they have a job, as far as I know, the starting salary is a lot higher than that.

I think that if there is any increase, it should be performance related and parents should have a say in the performance score that the teacher gets. My second son has the same teacher that my 1st son had last year - she was crap then and is crap still. They were the only class who didn't go anywhere on a trip the whole year - not even a walk to the park - and she has regurgitated the whole of last years lessons and topics this year. I got so fed up with it, I sent in my first sons topic file as evidence of homework done for my second son and she didn't bat an eyelid, I spend more time teaching him myself than she does.

So, does she deserve 10% when I count myself lucky to be getting 1.5% despite my company doing well this year - I don't think so.
Panic Button;
Teachers' pensions aren't too bad if you 'stay the course' and teach until retirement. However, for the majority of teachers who leave 'before the end' they're far less favourable.

I left teaching in 1990. If I'd have left a job in the private sector, my pension fund would have continued to grow until my retirement date in 2013. However teacher's pensions are based upon 'final salaries', so I'll only get fifteen eightieths of my 1990 salary since the amount remains fixed. (i.e. there's no index-linking between me leaving teaching and my 60th birthday -which is the retirement age for teachers).
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thanx a tw*t am i naughtyboy?...listen you dumb aSS i have served in northern ireland and iraq when you have seen the things i have seen you will be entitled to call me whatever you want....and you have the nerve to say that you deserve 20k a year?the only thing that you have shot at you is something out of a peashooter...and you get more pay than someone who is being shot at with an snivelling piece of ***** start living in the real world you little priCk.............

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