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How do I Download pics to memory card

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Petrel | 18:26 Fri 21st Nov 2008 | Technology
11 Answers
O.k. I recently asked how I would do this and the answer was "via a usb memory card reader with said memory card inserted into it" got that, done that, now what? please...........can anyone help me?


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right click on the picture and select send to and select the drive that corresponds to the memory card from the list, you can open my computer to check what the drive is
It's just the same as moving any files between folders (or drives) on your computer.

Go to 'My Computer'. Double-click on the icon for the card reader. (If your card reader has got several slots it will probably appear as several different drives. If you're not sure which one to use, just double-click on each one in turn. Most will just produce a message telling you to insert a card. When you see a folder icon, or your actual image files, you've found the correct drive icon).

When you double-click on the correct icon you'll probably see a folder icon (rather than seeing your image files straight away). If so, double-click on it. If you then see another folder icon, double-click on that as well. (The folder structure varies depending upon the make of camera used, but you'll get there eventually!).

When you see a list of files, click on Edit > Select All. Now you can either 'drag & drop' your files to where you want them on your PC, or 'copy and paste' them. I'll illustrate the latter option.

Right-click on any file. Select 'copy'. Now go to the location where you want to put your files. (e.g. 'My Pictures'). Right-click on a blank space within the folder and select 'Paste'. Job done.


PS: If you want to create a new subfolder, within 'My Pictures', to store the images from your card, follow the instructions above but when you get to the point where you see the contents of 'My Pictures', right-click on a blank space and select New > Folder. Type an appropriate name (e.g. 'Holiday 2008') and press the 'return' key twice. Then right-click anywhere within the empty folder, and select 'Paste'

Sorry! I thought that you were transferring pictures from your card to your PC. Now I've read CF's answer (which forced me to re-read your question) I see that you're doing it the other way round. My method will still work but CF's use of 'Send to' is probably quicker. (You might need to experiment first, by double-clicking on each drive icon, to establish exactly which drive letter you need to send the pictures to).

Further to CF's method, if you want to move several pictures at one time (rather than one by one) remember that you can select multiple files using the following methods:

To select all of the pictures within the folder you're viewing:
Go to Edit > Select All

To select a successive group of pictures:
Click on the first picture. Then hold down the Shift key and click on the last file.

To select several pictures at a time:
Click on the first picture. Then hold down Ctrl while clicking on the other files you require.

Once all of the pictures you require are highlighted, right-click on one of them and use 'Send to'.

Question Author
Thanx for your help CF, made it sound very easy, done that but no pics loaded onto memory card, thought I was on a real winner there, any more suggestions, maybe I,m doing something wrong.
Question Author
Thanx too to Buenchico, second answer helpful too, once I get the iniial transfer done.
it should have worked, do as Chris says above and open my computer, you should have several extra drives showing, with the memory card in the reader double click each in turn until one opens and doesn't give an error and that's the drive you have to send to.
I've no idea why 'Send to' hasn't worked for you but reversing my original method should work.

i.e. go to where the pictures are on your PC. Select all required files, as per my second post. Right-click and select 'Copy'. Double-click on the relevant drive icon for your card reader. Right-click anywhere. Select 'Paste'

Open 2 windows; one with USB drive and t'other with pictures.

Drag and drop pics from one window to t'other.
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Me again, right ,what I'm tryin to do is load pics onto a memory card so that the memory card can be used in a digiframe, seems the pic has loaded onto sd card for viewing on pc (thankyouu all)but does not show on my camera (using that for mo as digiframe not here) what is or can this really not be done?
Your camera probably stores its pictures inside one or more folders on the SD card. (My Minolta camera puts them in a folder called 100MLT29, which is inside another folder called DCIM). The camera will be looking for pictures inside those folders, rather than at the 'top level'. The digiframe won't require the folders, as it will load files from that top level, so the pictures should show up OK on the digiframe.

Question Author
Thanx for all your help, hope it works, will experiment when I have digiframe to hand.

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How do I Download pics to memory card

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