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External Hard Drives

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alzheimer | 08:39 Fri 29th Dec 2006 | Technology
10 Answers
I need to buy a new external hard drive ...something SIMPLE to use! I had a Western Digital 160 GB Media Centre for over two years and it was great but due to a power failure it developed corrupt files and I may have lost the lot! Is there a hard drive that does not necessarily have an automatic back-up. I really just need the storage space - preferably big - without all the bells and whistles. Any suggestions anybody?


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If you haven't looked lately, you will be pleasantly surprised at the current prices. PC World have a good range - here is a basic one: e.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@1663664959.1167385920@@ @@&BV_EngineID=ccchaddjkgjefflcflgceggdhhmdgnf .0&page=Product&fm=null&sm=null&tm=null&sku=37 3372&category_oid=

But have a good look at all the external hard drives - there is a huge choice.

When you find one you like the look of, do a price comparison and see if you can save buying elsewhere.
Try Maplin -
they have a Seagate 160GB external hard Drive on offer for �59.99 with free delivery on orders over �35. I've been using one for nearly a year now with no problems.
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Dear Ethel...I might have known that you would have an instant answer! Brilliant..thank you. That is exactly the sort of thing I am after and you are quite correct I am delighted by the prices nowadays. I paid about three times that for my WD Media Centre two and half years ago. I'll have a hunt around now..thanks again.
Lidl had a 260 Gb USB one last week at �69. Our local Lidl didn't have any on display, nor any signs instore to say it was on offer - I had to ask, and they got one from where they'd stored them in the manager's office. So it may be that they'd still have one or two in stock, if you ask.
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Dear andywatcher.....thanks for the suggestion. I got a Maplin sale catalogue in the post and saw that Seagate one but didn't know anybody that used one so I'm pleased to know you have had no problems. It looks simple to use and "gizmo granny" here likes simplicity! Thanks...I'll have a look at that too.
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Thanks heathfield....I'm out in the sticks as far as shops are concerned but do go to Lidl about 20 miles away. I'll bear that idea in mind. Looks like the managers had their eye on them!
Just for info - Seagate 'badge engineer' approx 75% of all hard drives sold in the world !
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Oh! Right then ...looks like we should all be buying Seagate shares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously though - thanks for the info....just shows what a total novice I am.....I'd never heard of Seagate...having been totally happy with Western Digital - until the famous power failure and my probable loss of all my files!. Ain't modern technology wonderful - when it works!
This looks good too! sku=344400

Spoilt for choice eh...
I've just installed a new external hard drive - no detailed instructions other than on CD. Tried to do a back up yesterday but it went nowhere just kept scanning. Perhaps one of you users can set me on the right road - thought it would be just like any other usb connection really easy and it probably is if I can just get started!!

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