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What Is Timeout On Android?

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netibiza | 16:49 Thu 04th Sep 2014 | Technology
892 Answers
I have a spanish phablet, leotec Pulsar and in the notification bar there appears a couple of timy circles which is timeout, what on earth does this mean, I have googled and read (in Spanish) the instruction manual but absolutely no clue. Thanks if anyone can help!


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Morning all Nice day ,bright and sunny earlier but turned a bit hazy now. It's not exactly heatwave temps either as they say in the papers. That Billy Connolly prog is very good.I enjoyed that. I hope it'll get better at some stage Neti.I'm a bit cheesed off it with all to be honest.
11:43 Sun 03rd Apr 2016
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Back home with new 6" screen phone. Ah that's better can actually type. Chilly here but sunny
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Didnt know that was posting aa submit button is hidden by an
Hello all
My Monday got off to a real flying start with an email from the Guardian to tell me I've won last months Genius crossword .100 smackeroos ...whoop whoop That's cheered me up .
Very cold here but bright and sunny .
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Way hey shaney well done.
I've also sold my spare phone within mins of advertising it.
Feel so much better today. Odd twinges in arm still and cracking noises. Hopefully all will be revealed manana.
blimey Shaney well done! we are doing a steady potter here. Sis arrives tomorrow but house is pretty much up together for a change!
well done, shaney. Have I given you my bank account details in Nigeria?

May start packing soon, off for the sun next weekend! (I deliberately didn't tempt fate by doing it while waiting for my oscopy.)
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Have now unsold my spare phone, the dratted kid wants a new one! Kids eh,,who'd have 'em
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Not naming names......................
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Good morning we had a snow and hail storm here last night. It was terrifyingly noisy. Everywhere was covered in the white stuff, but it's gone now.
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Our snowy football pitch very near to my house!!
Morning snow, this isn't Ibiza you know, but it's the coldest day of the far. A man on the radio said it's 9 seconds cold. He doesn't use a thermometer, he counts how many seconds his cat will stay outside, haha.

Well done shaney, that's how to start a week. I'll inform BT you'll be paying my bill then :) It must be a week for winners, my cousin's won a wildlife photo competition.
I'd be happy to win the battle with my sinuses.
Good morning all its cold and frosty here too...two dog cold. If the weather is nice both dogs stay outside while I have my coffee. If its one dog cold, Shughy comes in and Rab stays outside. Today is two dogs cold, they whizzed out for a wee and are back asleep again.
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Coldest day here too but sunny and lovely. Rook a little walk along the prom prom prom.
Had a phone call from health centre cancelling my app today as Dr not well
Go again on Thursday.
ooh, it is parky out there, isn't it? Lovely and sunny but going to be colder than Kiev, so they say.
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why do I bother?? The feral cats poo at the side of the house and it smells sometimes when the window is open, so I regularly clean it up, today I found piles of it so recken next door are dumping their cat's poo, so I gather it all up in a specially kept jug with disinfectant and scoop the lot, where to dump it? seems logical down the loo as it is poo after all, well it blocked solid absolutely. so gloves on I had to get it all out, but to my horror discover half of it is stones, which will not flush away. Mr N will be furious, so I try to shower it down, nothing! so I dismantle the outside strong shower head and connect it to bath shower and ram it down the bend and just turn the water on for ages, ahh all gone, what a bother. so poo now dumped down the lane on wild verge where all and sundry do it. I keep creeping in and flushing just to make sure. Blasted cats.
Hello all
Lovely sunny day.Very cold though and there was a thick frost this morning.
Oh what a palaver Neti.Cat poop ...Yuk.
Hope you're all ok .I can't afford to pay all your bills with my win but you can have champers all round .
I haven't got the cheque yet but I've already spent it in my mind !
Well done to your cousin Robinia.I hope it was a nice prize.
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Thank ee kindly rich beech. May I have fizzy water instead?
Lol..wish I was rich Neti, I'd be outta here like a shot to warmer climes.
Happy Valley was brilliant.
Night all.
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Good morning. It is sunny be freeing here. I am pleased.
Yes Happy Valley was good but I do get confused. Who is the young policewoman was she the kidnapped one?

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